“We learn from the past to live in the present, and
to revision the future”
TFT Papua is a registered civil society organization. We work to nurture grassroots community organisations across the region, as leaders of our own development. We build communities’ capacity to act on their fundamental human rights (economic, political, social and cultural); to organise themselves in ways that best represent their identity and shared interests; and, to manage their own land and resources. We are inspired by Training for Transformation in Practice, the international network of popular development educators and community workers, based in Kleinmond, South Africa.

Papua’s indigenous communities live on the front line of the climate emergency. It is becoming harder to farm and to fish as weather becomes increasingly unpredictable.
In Okaba, Merauke, communities have lost up to 9 metres of land a year to the sea since 2010. In an area of expanding agribusiness, they have less and less room to adapt and survive.
In Raja Ampat, rising sea levels are eating away our islands and destroying our ancestral graves. We wonder what will happen to our communities in the future.
Our indigenous communities have a right to know what climate scientists are saying so they know what decisions to make and who they must hold to account.Some of these decisions will be very difficult.
These decisions require strong leadership and even stronger organisations. This is TFT Papua’s contribution.

TFT Papua’s partner communities are choosing to go back to the land. They are are reopening gardens they have long abandoned because they became dependent on subsidised rice, and are once again growing their own traditional food.
In Numfor, the community of Saribi-Supmander have planted 1000 new coconut trees and 500 new mangrove trees, and are using organic permaculture to restore soil and grow vegetables.
In Raja Ampat, community leaders are campaigning to protect their traditional fishing grounds from the threat of fishing businesses using lift nets

environment. Most of Fyarkin’s members are women.

Papua Province, Indonesia

up the beach after a
fishing trip. Starting
from a young age, people
live in close connection
with the sea.
Contact us
Yayasan Pengembangan Pelatihan untuk Perubahan Sosial di Tanah Papua
Jalan Karya Tanah Hitam Permai
Abepura Jayapura
Email: info@papuatransformation.org